Friday, 28. March 2025


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to inform you that in March we put at your disposal 20 modern double rooms with hypoxia installation installed in AIRZONE technology, providing imitation of conditions corresponding to the set altitude. In addition, we also provide a modern training room equipped with 20 rowing ergometers and 10 Tomahawk stationary bicycles.

Exposure to or training in conditions that mimic high altitude air improves endurance at sea level as well as in the actual mountain conditions, giving athletes a real advantage in performance. By adapting the cardiovascular and muscular systems and changing the properties of blood, the effect is an improvement in endurance and performance. Correctly applied hypoxia in the form of training leads to changes in muscle adaptation and changes in mitochondria, where energy is produced. Both aerobic and anaerobic capacity is improved. As a result, the body's ability to exert itself is increased.

It is accepted that training in simulated altitude conditions has a number of benefits, including:

  • an increase in erythropoietin levels in the blood,
  • wzrost liczby erytrocytów,
  • wzrost poziomu hemoglobiny we krwi,
  • wpływ na czynniki adaptacyjne układu krążenia,
  • wzrost wartości VO2max (maksymalnej wartości spalanego tlenu),
  • zwiększenie wydajności fizycznej,
  • znaczną poprawę wydajności kondycyjnej w osiągnięciach sportowych!


Surcharge for the use of hypoxia room is 200 zł gross / day.  

Surcharge for the hypoxia training room is 300 zł gross/1 hr.


In order to facilitate the reservation of rooms with hypoxia and training room, please contact us as soon as possible at or


You are cordially invited.

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