Friday, 28. March 2025

Meeting rooms


Hall name Number of seats L x W
in m
Price per
1 hour in PLN
in a cinema setting tables in a banquet arrangement
Room No. 19 LIDER 50 30 25 8 x 10,5 84 120,00
Room no. 20 LIDER 95 75 55 7 x 16,3 114 120,00
Room no. 21 LIDER 100 80 60 7 x 17,1 120 120,00
Combined rooms 19 and 20 LIDER 145 105 85 15 x 15 198 200,00
Combined rooms 20 and 21 LIDER 195 155 115 - 234 230,00
Combined rooms 19,20 and 21 LIDER 250 185 145 - 318 280,00
Lecture Hall 201 SYDNEY 50 25 - 6 x 12 72 100,00
Lecture hall no. 131 DELFIN 100 60 80 - - 100,00
Lecture hall 301 DELFIN 50 30 40 - - 100,00
Lecture Hall 207 Sydney 25 x x 8 x 8 - 100,00
Hall No. 2 Stadium 20 x x - - 100,00
Hall 5 Stadium 30 20 x - - 130,00
Hall 9 Stadium 20 x x - - 90,00


The lecture and meeting room rental fee also includes the use of:

- multimedia projector,

- screen,- sprzętu audio-video i nagłośnienia,

- flip-chart,

- whiteboard paper and markers.

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