Friday, 28. March 2025

Lease of advertising space



Advertising location Price list net/1 month VAT rate Price list gross/1 month
Advertising display case in the swimming pool lobby (entire) 180cm x 120cm 138,21 23 % 170,00
Advertising display case at the swimming pool (whole) 180 cm x 120 cm 138,21 23 % 170,00
Poster advertising in a 80 cm x 60 cm display  56,91 23 % 70,00
Balustrade of the swimming pool terrace 100 cm x 300 cm  121,95 23 % 150,00
LA Stadium fence balustrade 100 cm x 250 cm  121,95 23 % 150,00
Balustrade for tennis court fence 100 cm x 300 cm  154,47 23 % 190,00
Rollap in the lobby of the Leader or Swimming Pool Cashier's Office 100cm x 200 cm  117,89 23 % 145,00
Advertising stand (up to 10 m2) 195,12 23 % 240,00 
Layout of leaflets and business cards 81,30 23% 100,00


*In case of advertising boards on the premises of the Centre (outside the designated advertising areas), a special consent of the Management of COS-OPO in Wałcz is required. Price is set individually.


Display cabinet in the swimming pool lobby (4 pcs) 180 cm x 120 cm

Display cabinet in the swimming pool hall (5 pcs) 180 cm x 120 cm

Billboard 80 cm x 60 cm

Balustrade of the swimming pool terrace 100 cm x 300 cm

Balustrade of the LA stadium fence 100 cm x 250 cm

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